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Snakes have always been the seducers of human beings. If you know the story of "The White Snake", you will understand what I mean. In reality, Snake people are born charming and popular. Snakes are spotlight magnets, and they will not be ignored. Peer group attention and public recognition are the least of what he expects. Yet Snakes are never noisy or deliberately outspoken, and they have have excellent manners.

Unlike the Snake who seduced Eve in to sin. the astrological Snake, is not a devil, not even a little demon. The Snake is a nice oversexed normal human being. Determined to follow through anything he undertakes to the bitter end, the Snake detests being left in the air. He makes his decisions quickly and firmly.

Most people are secretly or hopelessly in love with Snakes. Gather those frustrated folk you know and most likely, they are probably in love with a Snake. Irresistible as they seem, the Snake never wastes time in idle gossip. He thinks often and deeply. He is an intellectual, a philosophers, a cerebral person. Snake people rely heavily on first impressions, on their own feelings, on their sympathies, rather than on facts, on the advice and opinions on others. He seems to have a kind of sixth sense in this way.

Snakes are a bit tight when it comes to lending money, though his sympathy for others often leads him to offer help. The fatal flaw in his character is, in fact, a tendency to exaggerate - in helping friends as with everything else. If he does somebody a favor, he becomes possessive towards them in an odd way.

Another big flaw in a Snake's character is that, they are capable of biggie lies. White lies, true lies, whatever they call them, though they don't lie often, they do lie when they feel they can get away from it.

In money matters, the Snake has good luck: he doesn't have to worry - he'll always be able to lay his hand on money when he needs it. Generally, Snakes are careful but generous with friends and family. The Snake should stick to careers that won't involve him in any risk - even the risk of working too hard, for to tell the truth, the Snake is a bit lazy.

In love, the Snake male is romantic and charming. He has a sense of humor and the female is usually beautiful and successful. but if a Snake chooses a partner, he'll be jealous and possessive - even if he no longer loves her. Rejection is the worst blow his delicate ego can suffer. The Snake must be received, welcomed, accepted and approved by those with whom he comes in contact. They need a lot of security.

Personality-wise, Snakes are not people who can be easily ignored. They possess a strong, charismatic presence and a charm which has been described by some astrologers as "bewitching" or "beguiling." With a penetrating eye and attention to the desires of their conquests, they're known as experts in the art of seduction.

People born during the Year of the Snake are said to be endowed with wisdom and with deep philosophical understanding. They are born thinkers who excel in finding solutions to complex problems. In matters of business they can be shrewd, biding their time in making a deal only to strike like lightning and make a killing when they judge the moment is right. Thus in life, the majority of Snakes are financially successful and generally lucky with money; their fortunes very much depend on their careful and considered judgment in financial affairs and on their intuitive feelings in business negotiations. These are clever, intelligent people who take time to formulate their ideas and opinions. Even when they are at their laziest, their minds are working overtime, laying their schemes and hatching their plots for the future.

Snakes are wise, philosophical, calm, and understanding. They are receptive and physically alluring, often fickle. Success and fame come easily to Snakes. They can be treacherous creatures who delight in intrigue and who wouldn't think twice about double-crossing someone in order to save their own skins. Their calculating natures will never forgive or forget a slight. They can be lazy and self-indulgent. Their innate elegance can at times be ostentatious.

Subtle, secretive, elusive and enigmatic, there is an element of the mysterious that surrounds the Snake personality. Perhaps this is due to their intuitive faculties, or perhaps it is a consequence of their strong inner spirituality which can manifest itself in an interest in religion, mysticism or the occult.

A Snake can be counted on to carry a project through to the end. Their decisions are quick and firm, but they are formed by first impressions, on sympathies and feelings logically assembled in their minds -- rather than by simple facts alone. The Snake will fight and plod for anything they believe in and allow nothing to stand in his or her way. At ease in all circumstances and possessing uncommon self-discipline, the Snake achieves great heights and honors in his or her career, enjoying the well deserved respect of an admiring entourage.

Snakes are a bit tight when it comes to lending money, though their sympathy for others often leads them to offer help. The help will be in kind rather than in cash, however; the Snake is freer with himself than he is with his money! The fatal flaw in the Snake's character is, in fact, a tendency to exaggerate -- in helping friends as with everything else. If a Snake does somebody a favor, he becomes possessive toweard them in an odd way, so that finally he is more a hindrance than a help. The snake's serpentine nature leads him to coil and cling to the point where he can suffocate the object of his attention. Think twice then, before you accept an offer of help from a Snake; you could regret it!

In money matters, the Snake has good luck -- he simply doesn't have to worry about it. He will always be able to get money when he needs it, and he feels this so strongly that it has never bothered him at all. Once he has got it, though, he's a little stingy; that's why he never lends. In old age he can become quite miserly.

Snakes are notoriously good looking and like to project the best image of themselves that they can. Both men and women of the sign have elegant and stylish taste in clothes; the men are sexy and always have a bit of the dandy about them, and the ladies are seductive and rave over smart accessories. Whether in looks or in circumstances, Snakes simply have a magical knack of making the very best out of the most mediocre.

In Japan, those wishing to pay a woman a compliment and acknowledge her beauty are accustomed to say: "My dear, you are a real snake!" -- a pleasantry most likely to be misinterpreted in the West.

As with real snakes, which hibernate in the cold season and come out when it's warm, Snake people shine in the hot months. And the Snake born at midday in the heat of a tropical summer will be happier than one born in the middle of an icy night in winter. The destiny of those born under this sign is so sensitive to the inclemencies of climate that the almanac warns Snakes born on a stormy day that they will face danger throughout their lives.

The Sensual Snake

The Snake personality is described as careful, and when it comes to the choice of a partner these people are infinitely selective. For them, only the best will do. Elegance will be one of the first attractions, but so too is good breeding and delicate manners. When they find the partner of their dreams they will brook no opposition, allow nothing to stand in their way, until they win the heart of the object of their desire. Having won their prize, they then become possessive and jealous, fearful that it should slip out of their hands. Deeply passionate, these are demanding lovers, highly sensual creatures, sexy in the extreme. Lady Snakes are ultra-feminine -- sultry, exotic creatures, femmes fatales in every sense. Success and power will turn her on and she will probably make a beeline for the richest and most influential person she can find.

Those born under the sign of the Snake often tend to be afflicted with a wandering eye, especially the Snake males who delight in women. Unfortunately, both sexes tend to complicate their lives with extramarital affairs. If they can struggle against this trait and succeed in channelling their affections inwards towards their own families, they will gain enormous serenity and inner harmony in their lives. If the Snake settles down, he or she can become a marvelous parent, creating a calm and stable atmosphere for their offspring.

The Snake will often have a large family -- for him, it's just one more way of making sure that his wife has no time to play around like he does.

The Rabbit, Ram and Dog are on good terms with Snakes, but the Rat and the Rooster annoy them. A firm alliance can be achieved with the Horse. The Snake will be happy with the Ox, who is content to be overrun by this family on condition that the Ox is always accepted as boss -- a role that the Snake willingly concedes in the home. The Boar should beware of the Snake who will impose upon him, ensnare and immobilize him, while the Snake wallows in his own faults, knowing that he can get away with it.

June is the month of the Snake. The time of the Snake is from 9:00 a.m. to 10:59 a.m.; their direction of orientation is south-southeast. The Snake's color is red.


(1 - least compatible, 100 - most compatible)

Rat 67 - Better be friends than lovers.
Ox 85 - This union can be a good one.
Tiger 67 - Difficult to see what they could see in each other.
Rabbit 61 - Think again.
Dragon 63 - This might work.
Snake 51 - Complicated drama, better avoid.
Horse 75 - These two are strongly attracted to each other.
Sheep 69 - This might work.
Monkey 57 - Perhaps, it depends on the monkey.
Rooster 90 - A love connection, Omens favorable.
Dog 67 - This could work.
Pig 45 - The Pig can never please the Snake.


Gabriel Faure Brooks Shields Franz Schubert John Fitzgerald Kennedy Felix Mendelssohn Jacqueline Onassis Audrey Hepburn Picasso

1999 - The Year of Rabbit

(quotes from "Chinese Lunar Calendar")

This year will a year to keep low-profile. You should be always cautious with the decision you make. Pay more attention to your health this year, exercise more and eat regularly. If you are a restless driver, it will be wise to slow down when you drive. Avoid quarrel with others, this might bring you more trouble than you think. There will be some extra cash in April, romance is in its way in May, and watchout for accident in December, be careful when you drive and try attedning wedding to bring you more luck. You best month is May.

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Diana is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
Diana, 31
Martha is a beautiful woman of Costa Rica.
Martha, 42
Cecilia is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
Cecilia, 33
Liliana is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
Liliana, 36
Modesta is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
Modesta, 34
Maria Isabel is a beautiful woman of Mexico.
Maria I., 35
S' Luis Potosi

Meet the Foreign Sweethearts and Prospective Foreign Brides of Latin America

The services of A Distant Light™ are available to all adult persons of good character, everywhere in the world.  Our prospective foreign brides now number more than 39,000, representing some 60 nations. 

Ladies are welcome to submit their profiles for publication, without charge, on our Web sites.  Gentlemen who want to promote themselves to the ladies can publish their profiles in our magazine. 

Carmen is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
Carmen, 32
Maria is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
Maria, 35
Cristina is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
Cristina, 33
Santa Marta
Lina is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
Lina, 45
Gloria Marisol is a beautiful woman of El Salvador.
Gloria M., 30
Monica is a beautiful woman of Colombia.
Monica, 32

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Galina is a beautiful woman of Belarus.
Galina, 54
Rita is a beautiful woman of Kyrgyzstan.
Rita, 38
Oksana is a beautiful woman of Latvia.
Oksana, 35
Katerina is a beautiful woman of Russia.
Katerina, 31
St Petersburg
Ivona is a beautiful woman of Poland.
Ivona, 34
Edina is a beautiful woman of Hungary.
Edina, 31

Find the Foreign Sweethearts and Prospective Foreign Brides of Europe and the CIS Countries
(We have grouped the Baltic States together with the CIS countries.)

A Distant Light™ Romance Tours by A Foreign Affair are extraordinary travel adventures.  Beyond the excitement of exploring faraway places, imagine having a lovely woman like one of those featured here – or one of many hundreds of other beautiful hearts – as your companion and guide.  Consider the possibility of her becoming a lifetime companion.  This could happen for you! 

If you don't have a special lady in mind to meet, where would you like to go exploring?  To find which of our tours appeals to you most, begin at the Romance Tours Index.  If you've chosen one of the foreign sweethearts who lives far from any of our Romance Tours destinations, or you prefer to meet independently, we can provide Travel Information to help facilitate your meeting. 

Natalia is a beautiful woman of Russia.
Natalia, 30
St Petersburg
Nataliya is a beautiful woman of Ukraine.
Nataliya, 32
Elena is a beautiful woman of Belarus.
Elena, 34
Zhanna is a beautiful woman of Ukraine.
Zhanna, 36
Alisa is a beautiful woman of Uzbekistan.
Alisa, 30
Irina is a beautiful woman of Estonia.
Irina, 51

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Lupe is a beautiful woman of the Philippines.
Lupe, 33
Phasinee is a beautiful woman of Thailand.
Phasinee, 45
Imeeva is a beautiful woman of the Philippines.
Imeeva, 38
Rosalynn is a beautiful woman of the Philippines.
Rosalynn, 51
Jetta is a beautiful woman of Hong Kong.
Jetta, 33
Hong Kong
Aida is a beautiful woman of the Philippines.
Aida, 32

Discover the Foreign Sweethearts and Prospective Foreign Brides of Eastern Asia

And for an uplifting example of romance gone right, take time to enjoy the Web site of Jeffrey and Emelda Hollis.  Screenwriter Jeff's engaging stories of courtship and marriage with Emelda (who is absolutely adorable) will touch your heart. 

Jeff & Emelda: A Love Story
Marriage Can Be a Trip
Immigration Diary
J and E vs Maury Povich
Emelda in America
The Woman of His Dreams

Jocelyn is a beautiful woman of Hong Kong.
Jocelyn, 43
Evelyn is a beautiful woman of the Philippines.
Evelyn, 32
Alona is a beautiful woman of Hong Kong.
Alona, 41
Hong Kong
Candy is a beautiful woman of China.
Candy, 33
Ana is a beautiful woman of Singapore.
Ana, 36
Rowena is a beautiful woman of the Philippines.
Rowena, 30

Across the Orient, elegant traditional costumes like the blue dress worn by the lady at right are de rigueur for any formal affair.  Every woman who can possibly afford it owns at least one such outfit, in the style that is characteristic of her particular culture.

If such a woman were eventually to become your bride, one of her gifts to you would be to dress this way, on special occasions, to please you and make you feel proud of her.  One of your gifts to her would be to create many such opportunities for her to enjoy with you.

Imagine the heads your lady would turn, and the tremendous pride you would take in having her walk by your side.

Such considerations, by themselves, do not constitute grounds for marriage, but they can be among the potential rewards of a well-founded multicultural partnership.


Who Is This Elegant Lady?

In the sections immediately preceding and following this, we feature a total of 25 of the beautiful women of eastern Asia.  Most are shown wearing contemporary Western-style attire.  Here, we present one of those same ladies adorned in styles that are traditional to her culture.  Bearing in mind that her assorted photographs may have been taken at various times, can you recognize which of our featured Asian women this is?  (When you are ready, click on either of these pictures to see her profile.) 

A Beautiful Asian Woman A Lovely Asian Lady

Prasertporn, 30

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Evelyn is a beautiful woman of the Philippines.
Evelyn, 32
Angelita is a beautiful woman of the Philippines.
Angelita, 44
Roda is a beautiful woman of Hong Kong.
Roda, 32
Hong Kong
Cherry is a beautiful woman of Hong Kong.
Cherry, 35
Hong Kong
Zhang is a beautiful woman of China.
Zhang, 38
Ratchanee is a beautiful woman of Thailand.
Ratchanee, 33

International Introduction Service Q & A

Foreign Courtship Advice and Recommendations From the Editors of A Distant Light™

Q: I'd prefer to meet a woman immediately than to first correspond with her at length.  Wouldn't that be the more effective approach? 

A: The answer depends upon what you hope to accomplish. 

For men whose objective is simply to get away for a well-deserved vacation, one of our Romance Tours could be the travel adventure of a lifetime, with abundant opportunities for dating attractive (often stunningly attractive) single women who genuinely desire to meet them.  AFA takes care of all the details, and clients can enjoy meeting new friends almost immediately. 

For those whose purpose is to identify and meet potential life partners, however, there is no substitute for adequate preparation.  Clients who lack the necessary patience to establish and develop meaningful relationships before rushing to meet the prospective foreign brides might succeed in finding suitable partners within the context of a Romance Tour, but it shouldn't require a rocket scientist to calculate that their chances of connecting with the right one among hundreds of available women will be substantially limited. 

The interests of men who are disinclined to correspond might be better served by local dating agencies than by an international introductions agency such as A Distant Light™

Q: Why write to several prospective foreign brides at one time?  Wouldn't that just diffuse my efforts, and risk offending all of them? 

A: You can more objectively evaluate the suitability of potential partners, and be less reluctant to downplay any relationships that fail to show promise, if you have a variety of available alternatives. 

Besides, experience has shown that even very well written letters of introduction to single foreign women seeking marriage can be expected to elicit favorable responses in only about 50 percent of instances.  Typical letters to women looking for husbands might draw favorable responses in only 30 to 40 percent of instances.  Although the prospective foreign brides are eager to find life partners, generally they are not desperate.  (If they were desperate, you shouldn't want them!)  Rather, they will be as careful about selecting their partners as you should be.  Some rejections are therefore to be expected, and shouldn't be taken personally because the women don't know you personally. 

Also, about half of the women who initially are receptive may decide, after further evaluation, to continue their searches. 

So, if you were to approach, say, a dozen prospective foreign brides, you might realistically expect to be able to choose, eventually, among two or perhaps three of them.  (Remember, though, that this is based on statistical data, from which your individual experience may differ.) 

Generally speaking, you'll do better to maintain a balanced perspective and improve your chances of success by beginning, on a casual basis, with as many prospective foreign brides as you can comfortably manage, and progressively narrowing the field as relationships develop.  The women shouldn't object to this reasonable approach if you are honest with them, you respect their feelings and they understand that your intention is to find the most suitable partner, which, after all, is in the best interests of everyone. 

Evi is a beautiful woman of Indonesia.
Evi, 34
Rowena is a beautiful woman of Hong Kong.
Rowena, 33
Hong Kong
Sheila is a beautiful woman of Singapore.
Sheila, 31
Eka is a beautiful woman of Singapore.
Eka, 32
Florabel is a beautiful woman of the Philippines.
Florabel, 31
Winnie is a beautiful woman of Taiwan.
Winnie, 31


Joel Crohn

Henry Makow

Dugan Romano

Lynn Visson



Foreign Sweethearts and Foreign Brides Resources

Foreign sweethearts are more likely to become the foreign brides of gentlemen who demonstrate an interest in, and some knowledge of, their native cultures.  A Lonely Planet ® Travel Survival Kit™ can be helpful.  Besides the practical advice for travelers, they provide some historical background and discuss relevant social, political and economic aspects of modern society.



Hong Kong
and Macau




and Brunei




…or click here to browse more Lonely Planet ® titles.

You can benefit from the experiences (both good and bad) of others, in the pursuit of intercultural relationships, by referring to these worthwhile additional foreign brides resources.  And remember, at A Distant Light™ we're here to help!  You can contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or postal mail, or visit us (no appointment is necessary during regular business hours) at any of the AFA offices worldwide. 

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"Love is eternal.  The aspect may change, but not the essence.  There is the same difference in a person, before and after he is in love, as there is in an unlighted lamp and one that is burning.  The lamp was there and was a good lamp, but now it is shedding light, too – and that is its real function." 


—Vincent van Gogh 

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Compact Jazz: Astrud Gilberto  (Verve)
Hear Astrud Gilberto's music now, at Amazon.com!

    This popular American singer and songwriter of German and Brazilian descent is admired by generations of music lovers everywhere.  Her name is practically synonymous with the bossa nova style of her native Brazil, and her endearing voice can be one of the most seductive on the planet. 
    Yet, there is more to be said of this remarkable woman, of which you may have been unaware.  She is also a talented graphic artist.  Through sales of the reproductions and prints of her original artworks (which can make unforgettable gifts, especially when signed by the artist herself), she supports efforts to protect animals from mistreatment. 
    Please see the charming (if, at times, necessarily intense) Web pages that have been created, with love, by this profoundly beautiful human being, 

–––––––—Ms. Astrud Gilberto—–––––––

[The Editors of A Distant Light™ are privileged to express our appreciation of Ms. Gilberto and her work.  Ms. Gilberto is not a participant in our service.]

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